SO! Owl City videos!! Owl City is Adam Young, and he is one of my favorites!! His music is awesome, and this guys is so funny. I follow him on Twitter and I...I can't believe how funny he is. Some of the stuff he posts is so hilarious. Oh man.
I think some of the best songs of his are Plant Life, Fireflies, and my most favorite, Deer in the Headlights. Imma just go on youtube and find a bunch of videos and post what I feel like posting.
Have fun :D
I love this one. The vintage toys are AWESOME.
Deer in the Headlights. This is one of my absolute favorites. I saw this one a long time ago, and I stared and stared, like, "What??" It's odd, but awesome.
I just actually found this one now, but I love it. Gotta find what album it's on.
The only thing I can think while watching this one is: WHY IS ADAM SO DANG CUTE???? AUHGHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.
Yeah, I feel troubled about it. :D
Well. I am going to say goodnight!